Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Napa time

Nostalgia seems to come hand in hand with insomnia these days.. well, there are worse ways to spend sleepless nights than poring over old photos from overseas trips. This time last year I was finishing up an internship in San Francisco. This photo was taken in Yountsville on a weekend trip to the Napa Valley. Few things can top riding a bike through gently hilly vineyards green and gold with mustard flowers... This building, while it looked like a dodgy old mechanic shop or something from the outside, was actually a dingy little speakeasy type bar on the inside, blues on the jukebox, stuffed with mismatched old furniture and guys sneaking a Sunday arvo beer.

Gird your loins for a bunch of old photos from California. But right now, there's work to be done.

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