Sorry I’ve been a ghost this week! It’s been magnificently, unseasonably warm in New York – singlet and T-shirt weather and it’s almost November, imagine! So it’s been lovely to be gadding about outside... Here are some of the best parts:
The word “autumnal”... Gold and russet leaves swirling through the air like confetti in Prospect Park this morning... Listening to
Electric Light Orchestra because over-the-top strings and harmonies seem like the only logical soundtrack to days this perfect; it’s like living in some hipster romantic comedy.

Everyone gets so into the Halloween spirit here! Every doorstep is festooned with cobwebs and skeletons, pumpkins pepper the streets.. Every second conversation you eavesdrop on in the subway involves the weighing of Halloween weekend party options, and the intricacies of various costumes. I went to one of the temporary costume stores that popped up all over the city in the past couple of weeks, like a plague of mushrooms, and walked out even more confused – there are so many possibilities you really need to go into those places with a plan! Leaning towards a semi-saucy “White Russian” costume, not only because it plays into my recent fur hat obsession, but because it could potentially do double duty for

Roadtrips... Patting puppies in Park Slope bars... Buskers on the subway in the wee hours...
Elvis Perkins in Dearland... Cruising comics and zines I can’t afford at
Desert Island... Perving on other people’s
literary tattoos... Growing obsessed with the sick, sad world of bemulleted bogan Kenny Powers via
Eastbound & Down... Lychee sorbet and fur hats in Chinatown... Hometown friends in LES bars... the ever-growing Australian contingent – “New York is the new London”...
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