Every Sunday afternoon the gang get together at Musgrave Park in West End (near the pool) for thrills, spills and, if this weekend was any indication, sausage sizzills. Then again, this weekend just passed was a special one - while I rocked up on Baby Blue expecting a casual get-together, I had actually stumbled upon the national hardcourt championships. There were teams from all around the country, heaps of fans and a great vibe. I took some video (apologies for the quality and the wobbliness) so you can see for yourself how crazy it is:
I haven't been to roller derby yet but I imagine it's quite a similar atmosphere, and I reckon we need to come up with a badass name for bike polo - along the lines of "murderball" for wheelchair rugby. Or perhaps someone could design a poloX logo with a skull and crossbones... Something about adding wheels to a sport seems to immediately up the ante!
It was a field day for photographers and sure enough there are some amazing images to be seen - check this out. There were also heaps of cool bikes to perve on:

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