Ross Dawson gave a broader overview of creative crowdsourcing which was really interesting and perfectly timed for the program we're planning for our big national conference in August. It's really exciting to see some of the opportunities out there for finding amazing people to collaborate with, and with the power of technology and these tools there's almost no limit to what you can achieve if you have a great idea.
The habits of three years working for a union are hard to break though, and so even while I'm pumped about the possibilities of these applications as I aim to move further into the creative industries, I can't help but wonder what it means for the way people work, their intellectual property rights and fair reward for their effort. But trying to stem the tide of crowdsourcing and collective intelligence is futile; the next challenge is working out the sustainable economics of it. And that's what will be fascinating to explore at the conference, particularly in terms of how some of these new models for work can apply to journalism.

Found some affordable flights, so once I find my passport (!) New York and Europe here I come! And more immediately, some live music and a few rowdy beers beckon. Hope you're having a great weekend!
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