It's not really house style, but how fun is this picture? Brought to you by MAC's Russian Red lipstick, numerous bottles of cleanskin red wine, Mexican superstar balladeer Jose (or Nunzio as he is occasionally known) and all the good folks at Aztecas in Randwick. Highly recommended, BTW, if you like a side of kitsch with your burritos.

Usually Jose serenades all guests with his guitar, but last night he insisted he was too unwell. He did offer to strip instead but we politely declined. Pity none of us thought of faking a birthday, though we did play the "these girls have come all the way from Queensland to hear you sing" card.

Later we accidentally crashed a private function, but when the free drinks kept coming we made the best of it. Reboot played party detective, deftly determining the cause for celebration (engagement), the identity of the happy couple (Ali and Ryan) and even brazenly smalltalking with Ali's mum. Here's cheers to many happy years for Ali and Ryan, it was a great night.
I have MAC's Russian Red, and I adore it. Yet somehow once I dress up and slide the thick, sticky, communist colour on, it makes me look garish, and then the smudges come (even though for most others this colour is smudge-proof). A slap of red on the tooth and a smudge of pink below the nose is a sure-fire way to dampen any red-hot feeling dame. Convention says this colour should become me, a shock of life against my ghostly pale skin and unnaturally darkened hair.
ReplyDeleteBut Russian Red is unforgiving.
So now mostly I wear this colour when I pull those long-forgotten threads out from the back of my wardrobe, and behind closed doors, I pull off 70's swirls and cheap faux-fur. And then I slap this stuff on, Russian and red and thick, and pretend that I am fabulous, that the smudges to not exist, that I am a Eurasian goddess.